300 KVAr Automatic PFI Plant!
For Quotation Please Contact:
Mobile/WhatsApp: +880 1816 553327 "or" +880 1730848516
E-Mail: "info@merlintechbd.com "or" sales.merlin18@gmail.com"
Supply of
Sheet steel clad, dust and vermin proof, POWDER COATED, free standing, floor
mounting, 415V, 50 Hz, 300 KVAR Indoor type Automatic Power Factor Improvement
Plant with auto relay of required number of switching steps, comprising:
100KVAR Bank of TP dry type Power Capacitors with built-in discharge resister
3 No. 50
KVAR Bank of TP dry type Power Capacitors with built-in discharge resister
1 Nos.
25KVAR Bank of TP dry type Power Capacitors with built-in discharge resister
1 Nos.
20KVAR Bank of TP dry type Power Capacitors with built-in discharge resister
1 No.5 KVAR
Bank of TP dry type Power Capacitors with built-in discharge resister fixed
directly connected with busbar
1 No.
Automatic Power Factor Correction Relay with interlocking auxiliary relay
7 Nos. TP Magnetic Contactors of adequate rating
18 Nos. HRC
Fuses with base of adequate rating
6 Nos.
Indicating Lamps for Automatic indication.
1 Set
Selector switch for Automatic operation
1 set of
control fuses
Origin : All Capacitor Banks- EPCOS, Germany.
APFC Relay: Mikro, Malaysia.
Magnetic Contactor: SIEMENS/ABB,
Assembled & Tested by: Merlin Tech Ltd